Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Alabang - Laguna - Tagaytay - Bulacan

Dilemma: who would you choose- someone you love but doesn't make you happy, or someone who makes you happy but you don't love. I have been through a lot eversince I met T few months ago. The challenges in the relationship I had were so intense that I thought of making the right decisions. I recalled the cruelties that have occured to me in my previous relationships, and yet, I continue to hold on to what I have always believed in-- to have no remorse in whatever we choose to experience. Life has always been defined by moments...

Last week... in the confines of nowhere, in the most unexpected of moments, I met love and happiness. It's a synthesis of wants and needs.. a fussion of two individual heart and mind to create a definition only "love" could possibly understand. Falling in love is never a choice.. but staying in love is.. and today, I made the choice of loving you.

People say everything happens for a reason... in this case, I don't care what the reason is in meeting You.. Well, I'm just glad I did.


At 7:05 AM , Russ said...

wala na kayo ni M?


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