Tuesday, February 24, 2004

The past year has been in many senses a form of 'reality bath'.

Dear Friend:

Socrates, wisest of all humankind, stated:

"The unexamined life is not worth living."

I tend to agree. So it's very good to know that at this point in life YOU are looking about YOU to see what life's journey thus far has been about for YOU.

The past year has been in many senses a form of 'reality bath'.

Every week a new challenge resulting in a new lesson. Some turned out to be trivial, some turned out to be superficial, some turned out to be inconsequential, but some others provided a direct sense of life's throbbing pulse...a ceaseless flow carrying both yeah and nay, up and down, full and empty, refined and coarse, sturdy and brittle, eternal and transitory.

What did I learn from my experiences?

- That love exists but is a butterfly.

- That power and authority corrode sunshine.

- That dancing surpasses accounting.

- That spontaneity unfolds crimson wings.

- That contemplation never concerns deadlines.

- That forgiveness springs from champagne.

- That faith swims alongside sinners.

I've NEVER regretted even so much as one single peso spent on experiences of high quality. NEVER. Life's finer pleasures define the outer bounds of what is possible, whenever fate, fortune and friendship blend their magic to yield QUALITY.

I continue to hold that Robert Pirsig's book, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" teaches a lesson which needs to be heard in today's culture of rapid obsolescence.

Here are the American-style mantras which rouse me to shake off lethargy and do my best efforts in whatever duty I undertake:

"JUST DO IT !!!"


"GO FOR IT !!!"










Putting a concerted focus on genuine quality in ALL aspects of one's life brings one a quiet confidence in the overall fitness and rightness of human life. Quality is a teacher of humility because it is so difficult to first attain, and once attained is so difficult to sustain.

I am able to live so modestly, in material terms, because I seek quality in the few things in my daily life. Truly good books. Truly good music. Truly good conversations. A truly good dog. Truly good friends.

KOKO is as rambunctious as ever!!! He's overdue for a bath, as his long coat has taken on a faintly dusty patina. He's cheerful, extremely playful, clean, affectionate, and invariably well-mannered. His difficult 'training' by me last year has resulted in a happy, pleasant little dog to have underfoot in my too-big room here.

I'm having far too much fun with my life!!! KOKO keeps me laughing...such a clown, even if he doesn't intend to be!!!

Although the work here is tough, the accomplishments are clearcut and rock-solid. I appreciate living in an optimistic environment, surrounded by intelligent, largely sincere people who truly want to enjoy life and do their part to make the world a better place for their having lived.

So, I'm CONTENTED!!! (Although I'll confess to YOU that on cold Manila nights I would LOVE to be soaking in a soothing hotsprings again!!!)

Your Intrepid Friend,



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