Sunday, February 15, 2004

'S Wonderful, 'S Marvelous

Dearest Friend:

My cold is finally lessening, but it was a fairly
rough experience for me because my work demanded
full workdays and extra work from me.

Anyway, my cherished friend, I've also been
handicapped in communication with a lot of people
because... They gave me no notice at all of their
"blocking", so I've been stuck with effervescent
emotions to share with you but no means of sending
them out to you until just now. Please pardon my
unavoidable delay in sending to you my thoughts.

Last week, I received a letter from a pair of
friends, a husband & wife team of your landscape
architects. They just returned from a three-month
long visit to the United States and they were
disillusioned with what they saw there. Like so
many non-American, they had been seduced by the
carefully crafted, manipulative Hollywood
propaganda that falsely depicts the country as
being a land of equal opportunity and energy.
What they found was closer to the grim
truth...enormous racial prejudices, a hatred of
foreigners, a national obsession with youth,
beauty, wealth, and power, a lack of civility or
common courtesy, and a colossal arrogance on the
part of ordinary Americans toward foreigners.

My usually cheerful friends finally woke up to the
tawdry reality of the so-called American's only an illusion except for a few
isolated pockets, here and there, of very
privileged, pampered people. How I hope that you
are spared from ever coming face to face with the
cheaper, seamier realities of that country, which
is a nation with as many disadvantages as
advantages, except for those people who only want
to believe in puerile Disney-like fantasies.

What my friends couldn't believe was the
remarkable extent to which typical people are
infatuated with "good looks" and "beauty" without
regard to people's inner qualities. Sad, but
true... I replied to them by e-mail that people
NEVER seem to 'break up' or end relationships with
others because their partner is 'short' or
'homely' or 'old' or 'poor'. INEVITABLY human
romantic connections break as a direct result of
CHARACTER FLAWS. Yet modern people it seems, are
hell-bent on seeking out "Attractive", "Cute",
"Wealthy", "Very Young" partners. Madness!!!!
Lunacy!!!! A certain pathway to relationship
dysfunctionality!!!! But people persist in over
and over seeking out the most ephemeral
superficial qualities to the exclusion of all of
the things which really count and make for loyal,
reliable, solid, lasting, loving relationships.

Thank goodness YOU do not keep such limited,
shallow views about what matters in life and

As you know, I literally DON'T CARE what good
people look like. The fact that the weakness of
my Internet Service Provider seem to block my
receiving of most graphics, including photos, is
NOT a 'disadvantage' from my point of view,
because it enables me to put all of my energies
into learning about character, personality and
deeper inner thoughts. And that, my bonny friend,
is why I so love to read your charming letters to
me. They do make me feel SO HAPPY!!!!

As I prepare to head off to another long night at
work, I'm fairly beaming with pleasure here in my
room, thinking of YOU, and listening to Ella
Fitzgerald sing this incomparably lovely, clever
song. Here are it's upbeat lyrics just for YOU!!!

by George & Ira Gershwin

"...Don't mind telling you,
In my humble fash' (ion),
That you thrill me through,
With a tender pass' (ion).

When you said you care,
(I) 'magine my emot' (ion).
I swore then and there,
Permanent devot' (ion).

You made all other men seem 'blah',
Just you alone filled me with 'Ahhh!!!'.

'S Wonderful, 'S Marvelous,
You should care for me,
'S Awful nice, 'S Paradise,
'S What I love to see.
You've made my life so glamorous,
You can't blame me for feeling amorous.

O 'S Wonderful, 'S Marvelous,
That you should care for me.

'S Magnifique, 'S what I seek,
You should care for me.
'S Elegant, 'S What I want,
'S What I love to see.
My dear, it's four-leaf clover time,
From now on my heart's working overtime.

'S Exceptional, 'S No bagatelle,
That you should care for,
That you should care for,
That you should care for ME!!!!!"

It frustrates me...and saddens me a bit,
realize that the marvelous artistry of Ella
Fitzgerald singing this swinging song isn't easily
available around here. If only I was a wealthier
guy, I'd gladly buy the CD of this and give it to
you to provide your ears a thrill. There's
nothing quite like great music to lift one's heart
beyond the clouds, unless it be a sweet e-mail
from a sincerely charming friend like YOU!!!!!

Matters of 'taste' fascinate me...I'm inevitably
favorably impressed by exceptionally 'good taste'
in design, in music, in choice of reading matter,
in choice of friends, etc. Truly 'classy' people
need not be wealthy or good-looking...but they
must have cultivated within themselves an
instinctive recognition of good taste, as opposed
to slavishly running after all of the ephemeral
vagaries of common trends. Mass tastes are
frequently shallow and vulgar because they take no
special work for apprehension and appreciation.
But I admire highly people who do their best
within their limited resources to raise their own
tastes and improve their vision of life. Such
people, no matter how humble their life, have a
natural elegance and innate style which transcends
mere 'good looks' or 'expensive possessions'.

Small children...little toddlers...tend to have
such natural good taste in their own unaffected
way. How I LOVE them!!!!! They keep their
natural sense of harmony and balance until the
educational establishment effaces it for the
dreary substitute of conventional thinking, where
everyone ploddingly seeks to 'fit in' and be like
all others.

What I love is the exuberance of flowers which
unashamedly thrust upward their scandalously
vibrant blossoms to proclaim to the waiting world
that "LIFE IS WONDERFUL!!!!!!". Good taste in
flowers is ANYTHING filled with COLR...ANY
color!!!! Pink is Great!!! So is red, orange,
yellow, blue and any other subtle or wildly bright

And I think that it's wonderful, it's marvelous
that I can have the privilege and the pleasure to
have a bright, loving and sincere friend like YOU!!!

Affectionately, Your Recovering Friend,



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