Thursday, July 01, 2004

love or economics

Recently, I've thought how love has eaten all my attention and my productivity. So, one of my resolutions is to stop thinking about love, and think more about economics. Love is a fantasy that can be better sustained with economics in this crazy materialist world we are living in right now. The opportunities that came to my life were all met with shut doors because of my previous relationships. They have been too self centered to even know that I existed.. I'll try to write it out on my next post.

I had a coffee once with a friend who's working in my favorite bank. Offered my twice what I was making. Yet, I declined and told him that it's not enough to buy my loyalty.. well.. loyalty doesn't have a price does it. ;)

Almost recently, I have been planning to call up my former Korean and Japanese schoolmates to see how they have been so far. One of my Korean bestfriend is now working for the Korean government, and has met the love of his life. (He's a former playboy btw =).

Yesterday, I got an email from a Hong Kong company offering me a job. My pride declined it as well.. but I may be off to China one day where I can start a whole new life again. And maybe, a new place will give me the chance to forget all of the mental torments and emotional torture that I have gone through for the past few weeks.

Having no relationship just mean that I can enjoy life more.. the arts, the expensive beers, the places I have longed to see... maybe for the meantime, I'll just enjoy those stuff alone.


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