Thursday, July 08, 2004

Haunted by Loneliness...

"How do you heal a broken heart that feels like it will never love this much again?"
-Walker Cris

Today, I got to sign my new contract at my job. I got confirmed as Team Lead at work. I love my team very much. They truly are an inspiration, and has been encouraging me to do the best I can everyday of the week. Everybody got regularized, and I'm happy for them!! As for my contract, I believe I should be worth more than what I signed for! I have received offers of higher value in the past! But how does one measure worth??

The past few hours are depressing. Got a lot of good and bad news. I went to watch a tagalog movie with myself in centerpoint. My boss just got promoted. I'll be having a new boss in the next few weeks. I'm feel so fulfilled with my boss having gotten the position! He truly deserves it... he's a leader par excellence!

Wandering along, I continued to sing love songs. It's so easy to remember yet so hard to forget. R is coming back to Manila tomorrow, and will celebrate her birthday on Saturday.. Will I be invited or not? Should I swallow my pride and go.. or should I choose to remember the hurt that she inflicted in my heart? hmm.. Should I fetch him at the airport after all that has happened? Or should I just choose to exist with her in the spirit of harmony and friendship?

Oh well.. Heard the song "I wanna run to you"... I liked the line:
"Each day I play the role, of someone, always in control, but at nights, I come home and turn the keys, there's nobody there. no one cares for me... What's the sense of trying hard to find your dreams, without someone to share it with. Tell me what does it mean."

People have been asking me if I wanna apply for a higher position. Apart from being unqualified, I feel that I still don't want to since I don't want to handle additional responsibilities. How can I take care of many others when I couldn't even take care of my personal life. Well.. need to take a leave and do some soul searching. Truly, I was born to be unlucky in love... and today, I am haunted by loneliness...

"How could you give your love to someone else and share your dreams with me? Sometimes the very thing you're looking for is the one thing you can't see.."


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