Tuesday, February 08, 2005

What's your purpose? Does it have to be in a box?

I just came back from watching the movie "Shall we dance?" together with sandykins, ryan and dennis. It was an inspiring movie that struck my inner emotions and worthy of mentioning. The movie was coincided with my decision to take up informal dancing lessons... (call me old fashion but that's one of my frustrations =) The scenes portrayed in the movie were very much lively.. all focusing on how we need to have "Passion" in everything we do. The opening scene, goes where Beverly Clark asked her husband who's celebrating his birthday... "What do you really want?" and gets vague answers that I recall myself giving to others too...

There's a problem with people these days. They have been mass consumerized.. People nowadays wanted fame and fortune. All material things that they tend to lose focus on what is essential.

It reminds me of how I look up to the Japanese culture.. their way of doing things that they know will be beneficial to the society rather than our culture who's mindset is focused on how to benefit oneself. If everybody in this world continue to think about their self interest first before the greater good, then I fear that the world we live in will be full of grave competition that will lead to people wanting MORE for themselves, doing whatever it takes to enrich their own lives, unable to think about the welfare of others. I believe in the utilitarian philosophythat we have to share ourselves to others in order to gain the "happiness" that is absolute. "Happiness" that shall remain.

Going back to the love story, I like the line when Beverly told the private investigator her views about marriage --
"We need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet... I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things... all of it, all of the time, every day. You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness'."

Touching. =) True enough... I believe in the value of a long term relationship.. and sometimes imagine how life would be like when my grey hair would occupy half of my youth.. scary. But it would be a blessing to have the person who you chose to love to be beside you.. accompany you.. grow old with you.

Unconditional.. or even mutual love is hard to achieve since almost everybody has their reasons for LOVING... it's rare to find people who'll accept the person who you are and serve you wholeheartedly with no ulterior motive... and I'll be inevitably delighted when I find such person.

Oops. have to cut my rantings short... have to leave for dinner now. :( I forgot it's Chinese New Year's eve. hehe.. oh well..

I remember someone telling me that only the wise can dance the rhythm of life... Well, I'm just starting to get the beat of dancing... :)

Happy New Year! Shall we dance?


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