Tuesday, March 09, 2004

mission and vision statements

yesterday, at our team leader development program training, our instructor for this workshop, Joji Aguila asked each one of us to create our mission and vision statement. She said that to be able to reach a goal, one must be able to put it into writing. To my aghast, it took me a long time before i can put into words what my missions were, and i had to dig through my subconscious mind finding the right mix of words... cautious as to not sound like an over achiever, while maintaining the same principles that i've upheld eversince my consciousness begun... what felt hard to write one though is that i rarely write something that focuses on the "i" thing... well anyway, here's the little symphony of my informal mission and vision statement. I would appreciate some comments on it though :) --

Mission Statement:

I have always lived life differently. Always choosing the road less travelled by. He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. Though, what drives me is my unrelentless passion and dedication for excellence in whatever field I endeavor.

Life should never be about age, sex, religion, language, or even citizenship. It may sometimes do, but I hope I’ll be able to impart to others the language of understanding, tracing my roots as a management and a sociology graduate, rather than being closed minded about personal indifference. I believe in the language of action. I also believe in the combination of intelligence, spontaneity, and sensitivity in everything I do. I also believe that there is no actual right or wrong in this world.. It’s just two sides that seem to misunderstand each other.

I value honor, and good character above everything else. I am a traditional believer of hard work. Life, for me, is a voyage with no destination, and that life’s greatest achievement is not what we’ve done but what we’ve learned. I am a man fully alive for the passions in life and setting on this journey through life, I hope I’ll be able to grace others with my presence, to serve others with no ulterior motive, to make a difference in someone else’s life, and to contribute to making this world a better place to live.

Vision Statement:

In five years:

 I’ll be able to finish more webdesign and advertising portfolio for bigger clients while maintaining the same enthusiasm with my present SME clients.

 I’ll be able to finish some of my philosophical works and writings and have them published.

 I’ll be able to finish up a masteral degree in agricultural engineering and a doctorate degree perhaps, and be able to finish up another course apart from the present sociology and management courses.

 I’ll be able to finish my certification for MCSE.

 I’ll be able to make a BIG difference in the countless lives of other people.

well, did i miss anything.. i believe i do.. however, i still don't know how to put it to words yet.. until then, i'll just be happy that i have one. but going there is another part of the story.


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