Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Knock, Knock, Knocking on heaven's door

"Opportunity, faxed me, Emailed me, spammed me, texted me......But I was waiting for it to knock."

I read this on the display board on my way home tonight and was really amused. It's so very true that often we spend half our lives waiting for the perfect setting in life. A perfect lover, a perfect job, the right time, the right place, In short the perfect setting. Very few of us know how to grab life by its mane and ride away into the sunset. I happened to be one of those miserable person who keep waiting for the perfect setting to start living. Though, I have began to understand that it's high time I realize that nothing comes in "neat-and-easy-to-cut-packages", and that the only way you can live life is by actually grabbing opportunities rather than waiting for perfect risk free situations to fall into your laps.

There is this extract from a book I never completely finished, but these lines still haunt me every time I dither or hesitate to try out something new. Which, I hasten to add, is happening with frightening frequency these days.
I have realized that sometimes you get no second chance and it is best to accept the gifts the world offers you. Of course it's risky, but is the risk any greater than the chance of the bus that took forty-eight hours to bring me here having an accident? What does the world want of me? Does it want me to take no risks, to go back where I came from because I didn’t have the courage to say 'yes' to life?


Lately I have been consumed with a lot of complicated thoughts. So much so that I am rapidly loosing focus of what I want from life. I am once again getting caught up in the web of indecision and complicated thoughts. Afraid to grab opportunities, scared of how my actions today will affect me and especially others tomorrow. I was discussing this with "someone" the other day, after watching me twist and turn in my agonizing thoughts, "someone" suggested that I need to make a list of the things I want to do and tick them one by one as I achieve them. I moaned about how this was easier said than done and then asked "someone"

Me: "Do you have a list too?"
"Someone": "Yes of course, I do."
Me: "Tell me how your list goes."
"Someone: "My list is very simple. It's - To live for the moment ..And I tick this every moment."


So.. tonight I went out with my partner along with his wife, rss and khay. We went to Bagarde and watched Barbie's cradle. Tat won herself a Bagaberde shirt courtesy of RT by making Andrew tell the whole crowd and look straight at her eyes how much he loves her... (wooh.. sweeeet =)

Rss enthusiasm with the event launching of C2 has been very inspiring. I was marvelled how he was able to craft the design of the event and took the initiative to form an events team to handle what I want to describe as the "magnanimous" of events. Well, that's how I perceive it would be. That's how I wanted it to become. So, I got to straighten myself back again after being almost fallen, and try not only to have things working... but also to have something others wouldn't have thought about.

This is not just about me, or my partners, or Russ, or whoevers.... but I shall dedicate this to the nameless agents working for a common goal of supporting customers. This is their empowerment. This site shall be their solace.

Here are some of the pictures taken during her v-day gig...

Khay, Barbie, Andrew, Tat (and of course, I took the picture :p)


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