Thursday, December 29, 2005

Same Ground

I met my ex Chr (Desolate post). I was around Makati with some friends when suddenly, she sent me an sms message asking me to pick her up in Bulacan. She was crying. Apparently, there was a fight between her family members and she wanted to leave the place. Devoid of any financial means due to recently resigning from her work at teletech, she decided to seek my assistance. I picked her up. We had dinner. We had coffee. And we had an amazing conversation that I've never had with an ex-lover for the past few months.

Sometimes, I feel what a silly thing love is. Not half as useful as logic, for it doesn't prove anything, always telling one of things that aren't going to happen, and making one believe things that are not true. Love dries us crazy and in mnay cases, we would eventually realize that we have been loving the wrong person or for the wrong reasons but I guess that is what makes loving more real. Being in pain makes us feel that we are loving more. That could be the reason why people choose to go to complicated relationships unconsciously. For it is with terrible pain that we feel more alive and loving more.

I am scared of love. I am scared of life. But I guess that is what makes us human. That is what makes us vulnerable.

Same Ground
(Kitchie Nadal)
My love,
Its been a long time since i cried
And left you out of the blue.
Its hard leaving you that way when
I never wanted to.

Self-denial is a game
Its strange i never would’ve
Wanted if until there was you.

Because i have learned that love is beyond
What human can imagine,
The more it clears
The more i have to let you go.

But now i don’t understand why im feeling
So bad now when i know it was my idea.
I could’ve just denied the truth and lied.
But why am i the only one standing stranded
On the same ground?

My love because i have learned that love is a
Word gets thrown a little bit too much.
The best excuse to fill the infinite abyss
I never have to if all else fail

Would you be there to love me?
When all else fail,
Would you be brave to see right through me?


At 4:47 AM , a full said...

Sometimes, I feel what a silly thing love is. Not half as useful as logic, for it doesn't prove anything, always telling one of things that aren't going to happen, and making one believe things that are not true. Love dries us crazy and in mnay cases, we would eventually realize that we have been loving the wrong person or for the wrong reasons but I guess that is what makes loving more real. Being in pain makes us feel that we are loving more. That could be the reason why people choose to go to complicated relationships unconsciously. For it is with terrible pain that we feel more alive and loving more.

dude, can i copy this..thanks salamat...


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